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Geoff Bowker - Chartered Accountant (1972)

Specialist Tax Adviser

BCA (VUW) 1970

Member International Fiscal Association (1982)

Geoff has been a tax partner in two major international accounting firms from 1980 to 1993 where he advised many international companies and foreign individual investors on taxation and regulatory features of investment in New Zealand.  Consequently he has extensive knowledge of most aspects of New Zealand's taxation laws and their application to many diverse circumstances.

In early 1994, he established his own specialist taxation practice and continues to advise many foreign investors on New Zealand's present taxation laws and policies and their future direction.  On a practical level, his advice has special focus on the taxation implications of foreign investments, trusts, property development, GST and international tax issues particularly with Australia and USA.  He continues to provide international tax consultancy services to several mid size accounting firms in Auckland.

He has been an executive committee member of the worldwide International Fiscal Association for which he has co-authored papers on "Transfer Pricing" and "Valuation of Real Property for tax purposes in New Zealand".  He has authored several "Doing Business in New Zealand" information guides.

1994 -                      Own practice

1986-1993                 Pricewaterhouse tax partner

1980-1985                 Deloitte tax partner

1976-1979                 Deloitte audit/tax manager

1972-1975                 Deloitte USA and Switzerland secondee                                 

1969-1972                 Deloitte Wellington 

Phone :- +64 9 522 5451      eMail : -

Level 3, 142 Broadway, Newmarket, Auckland 1023, New Zealand